All donations go through Bear Creek Community Church.

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Please write "Tutoring" in the memo section. Thank you.

Support the Bear Creek Tutoring Program: Empowering Students, Building Futures

At Bear Creek Tutoring, we are committed to providing educational support and enrichment opportunities to students of all ages in our community. Over the years, we have achieved remarkable success and significantly impacted countess students' lives. However, our work is far from over, and we need your support to continue our mission.

Our Achievements:

- Academic Excellence: Our tutoring program has helped students achieve academic success, improve their grades, and develop a love for learning.

- Community Support: We assist parents in need by providing free dinner, transportation, teaching materials, and training tools for their children.

- Student Volunteers: We support committed student volunteers by providing them with valuable training and opportunities to give back to their community.

- Promotional Activities: We engage in promotional activities to raise awareness about our program and attract more students and volunteers.

- Cultural Celebrations: We celebrate diversity and promote cultural understanding through various cultural celebrations and activities.

- Special Events: We organize special events such as STEM field trips, summer camps, and Girls Who Code workshops to expose students to new opportunities and experiences.

How Your Donation Helps:

- Special Event Expenses: Your donation will help cover expenses related to organizing special events such as field trips and summer camps.

- STEM Field Trips: We aim to expand our STEM program and provide more opportunities for students to explore science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

- Summer Camps: Your donation will support our summer camps, where students can engage in fun and educational activities during their break.

- Girls Who Code: We are dedicated to empowering young girls to pursue careers in technology through our Girls Who Code workshops.

- Parent Support: Your donation will help us continue providing support to parents in need, including free dinner, transportation, and teaching materials for their children.

- Student Volunteers: We rely on the support of student volunteers to run our program effectively. Your donation will help us provide them with the resources they need to succeed.

- Teaching Materials: Your donation will enable us to purchase teaching materials and resources to enhance the learning experience for our students.

  - Training Tools: We provide training tools and resources to our volunteers to ensure they are well-equipped to support our students effectively.

Donate Today:

Your contribution has the power to create a meaningful impact on the lives of students in our community. Join us in our mission to empower students and shape brighter futures. Together, we can make a lasting positive difference. Click the link above to donate and support Bear Creek Tutoring today. Rest assured, every dollar you donate is directly allocated to our tutoring program, and we ensure transparency in every cent spent. Thank you for your generosity and unwavering support. An accountability team oversees this initiative.


Stalin Michael
